Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Face of Mental Illness

This is a message from my husband, Scott Walker.

I promised myself I wasn't going to weigh in on the shooting, but I can't help myself. This kid, a kid with Aspergers, similar to my own son committed an evil act...he was not evil, he was sick. Throwing money at the mental health problem will not change that, neither will better gun control. When I was in 8th grade, I had a teacher confide in my parents that their son needed some help. Had they taken that advice, maybe I would have avoided cutting myself, attempting suicide, been able to keep a job, not been mentally abusive to my wife and children...had a completely different life. Do you know why they didn't get me help? Because of the stigma of mental illness. They refused to believe that their perfect son could have a broken brain. I love my parents and I don't blame them...I blame a culture that treats the mentally ill as pariahs. The same stigma kept me from getting my own son help until the 6th grade. For that I am ashamed, and glad that I have a wife that can recognize illness when she sees it. (She saved my ass as well, it just took a lot longer) As a culture we need to remove this stigma so more parents, siblings and individuals will get the help they need. I'm lucky, I got out alive. Many won't unless something is done to initiate change. Thank you.

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